
Creating a New Generation of Entrepreneurs


There is a common bond between the founders of EntreLaunch – we all want to support youth and provide them with a sense of confidence that allows for innovation and exploration into new fields. We are passionate about helping others and ensuring each member has the necessary skills to create their own future.

Youth unemployment is a huge issue with 73 million youth unemployed globally.  Many new graduates are unable to find satisfactory full-time positions when leaving school and thus become unemployed or work several part-time unskilled jobs just to make ends meet.

Entrelaunch engages youth in a safe environment, gives opportunities to apply learning, exposes youth to other career paths and promote the sharing economy.  We want youth to have experiences and opportunities that will help shape their future. Too many youth currently struggle with the question “What do I want to do?” We will help them explore new directions.

Our online and global program will connect youth through a web-based platform and through global exchange and humanitarian opportunities.

Join us in our quest to reduce global youth unemployment and give all youth opportunities to succeed.
